“2024 SBS Drama Awards”紅毯活動於12月21日在韓國首爾的SBS Prism Tower舉行,慶祝了一年中最佳劇集,並有眾多明星亮相。主持人Shin Dong Yup、
Kim Hye Yoon和Kim Ji Yeon以他們的魅力和優雅引領了這個夜晚,為這個盛大的場合奠定了舞台。

- 姜尚均(The Killing Vote)
- 金申畢(Revenant)
- 郭時陽(The Escape of the Seven)
- 朴智賢(Love in Contract)
- 崔宥宙(Dr. Romantic 3)
- 李宥碧(Cheongdam International High School)
- 沈宜英(Becoming Witch)
- 金印權(Trolley)
- 金雅英(Payback: Money and Power)
- 金在華(Behind Every Star)
- 金慧華(The Good Bad Mother)
- 李奎翰(Battle for Happiness)
- 尹思豐(Dr. Romantic 3)
- 鄭順元(The First Responders 2)
- 金慶南(The Escape of the Seven)
- 權友(Payback: Money and Power)
- 文宇鎮(Revenant)
- 徐寶俊(Dr. Romantic 3)
- 金炯洙(Cheongdam International High School)
- 吳奎弼(Payback: Money and Power)
- 安昌煥(Behind Every Star)
- 徐賢宇(Shadow Detective 2)
- 宋浚(Payback: Money and Power)
- Yuna(The Escape of the Seven)
- 表志勛(P.O)(Becoming Witch)
- 韓在伊(The Killing Vote)
- 池勝炫(Cheongdam International High School)
- 金俊翰(Dr. Romantic 3)
- 南志鉉(The Good Bad Mother)
- 金宰英(Cheongdam International High School)
- 安寶賢(See You in My 19th Life)
- 全美道(Thirty-Nine)
- 金成坤(Shadow Detective 2)
- 金元海(The First Responders 2)
- 李荷妮(One the Woman)
- 朴信惠(Call It Love)
- 金南佶(Through the Darkness)
- 張娜拉(Family: The Unbreakable Bond)
- 金敏珠(The Killing Vote)
- 朴昭怡(The Good Bad Mother)
- 李時宇(Trolley)
- 金志勛(The Escape of the Seven)