Twice Nayeon戴起這彩色頭飾使她看起來更像一隻兔子

Twice Nayeon戴起這彩色頭飾使她看起來更像一隻兔子

Take a look at Nayeon’s adorable new look below.

TWICE NayeonNayeon looked as cute as a bunny during TWICE’s recent fansign.TWICE NayeonHer bunny ears and light hazel colored contacts showed off her amazing baby-like looks perfectly during the event.TWICE NayeonHer adorable bunny like cheeks are undeniably cute.TWICE NayeonNayeon always gives amazing fan service while she looks adorable posing for fans. She is a real life bunny.


問:TWICE的出道專輯是2015年10月20日發行的《The Story Begins》。


問:Q6: How did Nayeon become a member of TWICE?
答:A6: Nayeon became a member of TWICE through the reality show "SIXTEEN."