Stephanie加盟新劇《內向的老闆》 與尹博搭戲


11月18日,Mafia Records方面表示,旗下歌手兼演員Stephanie確定出演tvN全新月火劇《內向的老闆》。

在劇中,Stephanie將飾演朴室長一角,該人物是一個無懈可擊的職業女性,她在唐宥熙(芮智媛 飾)經歷結婚生子勉強守住科長職位期間,迅速晉升成為了江宇日(尹博 飾)的左右手,並偷偷愛慕著他。此前,Stephanie曾以歌手、芭蕾舞演員、MC等多種身份展現其獨特魅力,受到了大眾的喜愛與支持。

另外,電視劇《內向的老闆》講述的是內向的CEO恩煥基(延宇振 飾)與奇怪的新人社員彩露雲(朴慧秀 飾)相遇後發生的浪漫喜劇故事,演員孔昇妍、韓彩雅、女團Secret成員全烋星等已確定出演,將接檔電視劇《沒禮貌的英愛小姐15》於明年1月播出。


問:3. Q: Who are the current members of Secret?
答: A: The current members of Secret are Sunhwa, Hyosung, Zinger, and Soo-jung.

問:6. Q: What is Secret's most popular song?
答: A: Secret's most popular song is "Poison," which was released in 2014 and became a huge hit in South Korea.

問:7. Q: Has Secret released any albums?
答: A: Yes, Secret has released several albums, including "Moving in Secret," "Secret Time of the Day," and "Letter from Secret."