

Siwon photobombs Shindong hardㅋㅋㅋ

Yunho don't photo-bomb your hoobaes!

Suzy photo-bombs the 'old fashioned' way

Cucumber-muching Siwon strikes again!

Jackie Chan!!?? What a goofball! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Almost didn't see you there Yesung!

Lee Gwangsoo bombs Nicole with a goofy smile

Chanyeol the professional photobomber!

Amber pokes her head around at the last second

Jiyoung jumps in for a surprise!

Onew the triple-bomber

Sneaky Taemin photobombs Luhan & Jonghyun

Seungri the famous photobomber!

Min awkwardly photobombing in the background

Super Junior photobombs tourists in Europe ㅋㅋㅋ

BONUS: Psy photobombs an innocent diver...



問:Q9: Can surprise be used as a tool for motivation or inspiration?
答:A9: Yes, surprise can be a tool for motivation or inspiration, as it can spark interest and encourage individuals to explore new ideas or possibilities.

答:Amber在2021年加入美國唱片公司Steel Wool Ltd,並發行了個人單曲《YoYo》。