10位KPOP IDOL講訴令自己感到最不安的身體部位

10位KPOP IDOL講訴令自己感到最不安的身體部位
1. Sistar – Hyorin

Hyorin has admitted that her insecurity is her large forehead. She takes special care to make sure her bangs are always perfect because of this. Especially after playful fans teased her about her forehead for a while with photo shopped pictures.
With or without bangs she definitely is a beauty in her own right >_<
hyorin 2

 2. IU
IU apparently has a complex about her small hands. You may wonder how that could make her feel insecure at all but she has stated, 「My hands are so small that they make my face look big in comparison.」
IU hand IU
I personally think it makes her all the more adorable!

3. Kara – Goo Hara 
Goo Hara admitted that her 「gummy smile」 is her biggest insecurity.
goo hara

4. Brown Eyed Girls – Ga-In
Ga In said that her biggest complex is having such small eyes.

5. Infinite – L
Although many people don』t know, L』s hair is naturally curly, which is a rare trait in Korean people. Having naturally curly hair is his biggest complex.
infinite l
Can you imagine L in curly hair??? Well this should help!

6. Wonder Girls – Sohee
Sohee』s biggest insecurity, she said, was the fact that her cheeks were so round that they made her look like a dumpling

7. 2AM – Jo Kwon
Jo Kwon admitted that he feels insecure about the fact that he cannot grow facial hair

8. miss A – Suzy
miss A』s Suzy mentioned that she doesn』t like her forehead line and baby hairs, which has long been her insecurity.
I literally cannot see anything wrong…

9. SHINee – Taemin:
「Being too pretty」 is this idol』s complex.
Some may argue however, that it is one of his best features

10. f(x) – Sulli
Sulli』s complex is that people often mistake her to be 170 cm (5′ 6.9″) tall when she』s actually not.


問:7. Brown Eyed Girls有沒有發行過日文專輯?
答:答:是的,Brown Eyed Girls在2010年發行了首張日文專輯《L.O.V.E.》。


問:Q7: IU 是否參與過慈善活動?
答:A7: 是的,IU 積極參與慈善活動,並且多次捐款給需要幫助的人。