TOP - Big Bang

Red Bean
Red Bean contains lots of Calcium which aids the body excrete salt from your system when made into tea. Also having a few spoons of boiled red beans helps curb your appetite and will make you feel satiated and content.

2AM - Changmin

Tofu is extremely high in protein and other nutrients and can quickly full you up even though it contains very few calories. Changmin apparently ate a diet that consisted mostly of tofu pre-debut.

SISTAR - Dasom
Dasom revealed that she went on a 'one food diet' to lose 10kg in 3 weeks and the super-food responsible for this weight loss was !

Cucumber is extremely low in calories and consist mostly of water. It also contains high amounts of Calcium, which aids your body excrete unwanted waste. Dasom ate cucumbers all day and felt very refreshed and healthy!

IU was never considered overweight (except for maybe in Dream Highㅋㅋㅋ) but she decided to go on a diet wanting a more slim figure

Apples are high in dietary fiber but low in Calories. IU enjoyed eating an apple with every meal to get extra nutriets and feel healthier.

KARA - Jiyoung
Jiyoung was asked how she keeps her perfect figure-

Chicken Breast
Chicken Breasts are high in protein and low in calories. Jiyoung's dietary plan that revolved around eating 1 to 2 chicken breasts per meal along with vegetables and fruit.

2NE1 - Park Bom
Park Bom's secret to her gorgeous figure is:

Watermelons!!!!! Watermelons are 90% water (as the name suggests). And eating watermelon can help curb and appetite and also give you essential nutrients!

Park Boram
Park Boram went through an amazing transformation ever since her days in Superstar K.

Boram went on a strict tomato only diet to loose weight as fast as possible. While it might sound extreme, tomatoes are very healthy and going on a fruit/vegetable only fast is very good for the body and digestive system!

SNSD - Seohyun
Seohyun's love for sweet potatoes are famous but what benefits do they have?

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are extremely filling while containing very low amounts of calories. It is also high in vitamin E which aids in bettering your blood flow.

Super Junior - Shindong

Salad + Walnut Dressings
Salad is the most common dieting food out there but sometimes it's hard to eat just vegetables without any dressing. Shindong chose to use walnut dressing which is very low in calories to help him through it.