11位才藝最高的KPOP IDOL,你知道他們的才藝是什麼嗎?

11位才藝最高的KPOP IDOL,你知道他們的才藝是什麼嗎?

1. Taeyeon
Tayeon’s voice is definitely one of the best in the industry but did you know that she also does voice acting?
She was the voice of Margo in the Korean version of “Despicable Me”!

2. Baekhyun (EXO-K)
Now this has to be one of the most adorable hidden talents check out this video of Baekhyun imitating a motorcycle speeding by!

3. Xiumin (EXO-M)
Xiumin’s love for coffee is well known but did you know that he is a
very capable barista?
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What I would do for a cup of that coffee..*sigh*.


4. G Dragon
G Dragon is a very mysterious character but early in his debut he showed off his beat boxing talents in a short clip!

5. Lim Siwan (ZE:A)
Lim Siwan’s intelligence is very well known but did you know he can solve a rubik’s cube in under 37 seconds? I can’t even solve it period!limsiwan

6. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
Kyuhyun is considered one of K-Pop’s top gamers. The game he
prefers and excels at is none other than Korea’s favorite game Starcraft!
He looks so happy >_<~~

7. Jaehyo (Block B)
Speaking of games, Block B’s Jaehyo is also an avid gamer. He even made an appearance on a celebrity League of Legends tournament.jaehyojaehyo 2

8. Tao (EXO-M)
Tao is a very talented dancer and apparently his fluent movements stem from his background as a Wushu Martial artist!tao
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Oh my…I think he would make a really good action movie star~~

9. Minhyuk (BtoB)
Minhyuk of BtoB shows prowess in multiple areas of athleticism but his feat in “Dream Team” surprised the nation.

10. Krystal ( f(x) )
Krystal is charismatic, sexy and elegant on stage but her charm exploded when she got on the ice for the show “Kiss and Cry”krystal 2
Wow she really pulls off some of the craziest moves.. O_Okrystal 3

11. Yura (Girl’s Day)
Yura of Girl’s Day is an amazing artist! It’s shame she doesn’t have the chance to show it off more often!
What a beautiful rendition of Frozen’s Elsa!
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This sketch of a landscape is so breathtaking! Yura is amazing!


問:Q1: 韓國男團EXO成員TAO的真實名字是什麼?
答:A1: TAO的真實名字是黃子韜(Huang Zitao)。

問:Block B有哪些著名的歌曲?
答:Block B的著名歌曲包括《Very Good》、《Nillili Mambo》、《Jackpot》、《Toy》等。
