Naeun 在與 KwakTube 一起的義大利之旅中談及校園霸凌爭議

April 成員兼女演員 Lee Naeun 在與旅遊 YouTuber KwakTube 的視頻中談及了她對校園霸凌爭議的感受,這再次引起了人們對她過去霸凌和團隊內部衝突的關注。


在 9 月 16 日 KST,KwakTube 在他的 YouTube 頻道上發布了一個名為“My First Romantic Week in Italy – Italy.”的視頻。在視頻中,可以看到 KwakTube 和 Lee Naeun 在義大利愉快地旅行。在晚餐時,KwakTube 提出了一個敏感話題,他說,“I feel a bit sorry.

他繼續說,“When people around me talk about school bullying, I become sensitive because I was a victim myself. So when I heard rumors about you being involved in bullying, I blocked you after seeing the articles. But I later saw that it wasn’t true, so I unblocked you, but you already knew about it. I’ve never talked to you about this directly, but I felt guilty because, as a victim, I may have hurt someone who was falsely accused.

Lee Naeun 回應說,“We’ve met a few times since then, and I jokingly mentioned that you blocked me. But honestly, I thought it was something that wouldn’t upset me after some time had passed.” She added, “It was upsetting that so many people misunderstood me and blocked me, but I wasn’t angry anymore.

KwakTube 承認,“I found out about the clarification articles much later, but most people only saw the negative headlines. I’m seven years older than you, so I feel even worse about it.

Lee Naeun 於 2015 年與 April 一起出道,並通過 2018 年的網路劇‘A-Teen’獲得認可。然而,在 2020 年,她捲入了涉及前 April 成員 Lee Hyunjoo 的霸凌和團隊內部衝突的指控。

Lee Hyunjoo 聲稱,從 2014 年準備出道到 2016 年離開團隊期間,她一直遭受成員的持續霸凌。她說,“For three years, I endured constant physical and verbal abuse, harassment, insults, and personal attacks. The most painful part was the insults directed at my family members. The company knew about this but did nothing.

當時,Lee Naeun、Lee Jinsol、Kim Chaewon 和 Yang Yena 否認了這些指控,聲稱 Lee Hyunjoo 並非霸凌的受害者。然而,他們的說法,特別是 Kim Chaewon 的解釋,存在不一致之處,導致公眾不信任,他們面臨虛假澄清的指控。

儘管被指控散布虛假信息,但檢察官因證據不足而撤銷了對 Lee Hyunjoo 的兄弟和一名前同學的指控。他們表示,“While there were interpersonal issues within the group, it is difficult to definitively determine this as bullying.

Lee Naeun 也被指控校園霸凌,但當發現指控她霸凌的個人犯有誹謗罪時,她被清除了罪名。

在這些爭議中,April 解散了,成員們停止了他們的活動。2022 年,Lee Naeun 與 Namoo Actors 簽訂了獨家合同,並以 SBS 電視劇‘Reborn Rich Detective.’恢復了她的職業生涯。

今年早些時候,她還因與足球運動員 Lee Kang In 的約會傳聞而成為焦點。Lee Naeun 的下一個項目是電視劇‘I Shopping,’,這是一部關於生存和復仇的動作驚悚片,主演包括 Yeom Jung AhWon Jin AhDex