
在最新一集的Jung Jae Hyung的Youtube節目‘Fairy Jung Jae Hyung’中,國寶級演員Jeon Do Yeon回憶2007年坎城影展獲獎後回國時在機場被嚇到的經歷。

在2007年的坎城影展上,全度妍憑藉電影《Secret Sunshine》獲得最佳女主角獎,該片由李慶熙導演執導,並與國寶級演員宋康昊共同主演。




此外,全度妍還和Jung Jae Hyung一起笑著回憶她母親突然在機場出現,比記者的狂轟亂炸更讓她驚訝。


問:2. Q: How many members are there in Secret?
答: A: Secret originally had five members, but now consists of only four members after Song Ji-eun's departure.

問:5. Q: Did Secret win any awards for their debut song?
答: A: Yes, Secret won the Newcomer Award at the 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards for their debut song.

問:10. Q: Are Secret still active as a group?
答: A: Yes, Secret is still active as a group, with the remaining members continuing to release music and participate in various activities.