本月少女小分隊"ODD EYE CIRCLE"公開新迷你專輯《Version Up》曲目表

ARTMS項目ODD EYE CIRCLE將向粉絲們送上特別的禮物。

Modhaus6日透過ARTMS項目官方SNS頻道公開了ODD EYE CIRCLE的新迷你專輯《Version Up》的曲目列表。


據曲目表顯示,《Version Up》收錄了包括主打歌《AIR FORCE ONE》在內的《你在等我嗎?》、《Je Ne Sais Quoi》、《Lucid》、《Love Me Like》、《My Secret Playlist》在內的6首ODD EYE CIRCLE獨有魅力的歌曲。

據悉,主打歌《AIR FORCE ONE》是JERSEY CLUB類型的歌曲,收錄了ODD EYE CIRCLE的新風格和少女們的健康步伐。製作《Butterfly》和《Uncover》等的G-High時隔許久再次擔任製作,誕生了《AIR FORCE ONE》。

ODD EYE CIRCLE將於12日發行迷你專輯《Version Up》,邁出新的一步。特別是《Version Up》是Kim Lip、真率、Choerry與Modhaus簽訂專屬合約後首次推出的作品,因此備受期待。

ODD EYE CIRCLE將在《Version Up》上市之前,透過多種預告內容與粉絲們見面。在韓國活動後,將於8月份開始巡迴英國、德國、波蘭、法國的歐洲巡演。


問:6. Q: What is Secret's most popular song?
答: A: Secret's most popular song is "Poison," which was released in 2014 and became a huge hit in South Korea.

問:9. Q: What is the reason behind Song Ji-eun's departure from Secret?
答: A: Song Ji-eun left Secret in 2014 to focus on her solo career and acting.

問:10. Q: Are Secret still active as a group?
答: A: Yes, Secret is still active as a group, with the remaining members continuing to release music and participate in various activities.