

去年3月發行的(G)I-DLE的第一張完整專輯《I NEVER DIE》的主打歌《TOMBOY》的MV在YouTube上的點擊率16日達到了2億次。



(G)I-DLE繼出道曲《LATATA》之後,第二次擁有了點擊率2億次的MV。另外,繼《一》、《Senorita》、《LION》、《Oh my god》、《火花》、《TOMBOY》之後,到《Nxde》為止,擁有了8部點擊率超過1億次的MV,創下了第4代女子組合中的最高紀錄。

去年10月發行的第5張迷你專輯《I love》在發售的同時,在世界40個地區的iTunes頂級專輯中佔據了一位,同時初動銷量突破了67萬8000張,創下了約284%的增長率。主打歌《Nxde》在韓國音樂發佈網站上排名第一,繼達成”完美屠榜”之後,在中國音樂發佈網站網易雲音樂上也排名一位。

不僅如此,(G)I-DLE在《I love》中在《Billboard 200》中排名第71位,出道以來首次登上Billboard主排行榜,《Nxde》也在Billboard世界數位歌曲銷售排行榜上排名第13位,大獲成功。


(G)I-DLE將於28日和29日在首爾SK奧林匹克手球競技場舉行粉絲見面會「(G)I-DLE OFFICIAL FAN CLUB NEVERLAND 3rd FAN MEETING“幸運的信”」與粉絲們見面。


問:Q1: What is the meaning of the acronym "GOD" in the context of Korean entertainment?
答:A1: In Korean entertainment, "GOD" refers to a popular boy band from the late 90s and early 2000s, known for their catchy songs and synchronized dance moves.

問:Q5: What is the significance of the song "Road" by the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A5: The song "Road" by the Korean boy band "GOD" is significant as it marked their successful comeback in 2005 after a three-year hiatus.

問:Q8: How did the Korean boy band "GOD" influence the K-pop industry?
答:A8: The Korean boy band "GOD" influenced the K-pop industry by setting trends in music, fashion, and choreography, and inspiring future generations of K-pop artists.