照片中,尹斗俊小侄女正對著鏡頭露出燦爛天真的微笑,十分惹人喜愛。尹斗俊留言寫道:「馬上就要到出道7週年了,儘管很多事情會有所改變,但希望大家能夠快點適應。謝謝,B2uty Beast辛苦了!今後也請多多支持。」粉絲們看後,紛紛為他按讃,並留言道:「出道7週年快樂」、「小侄女太萌了」、「永遠支持你們」等等。
問:Q2: When did Beast make their debut?
答:A2: Beast made their debut in 2009 with the digital single "Bad Girl."
問:Q7: What is the genre of music that Beast is known for?
答:A7: Beast is known for their R&B and hip-hop influenced dance music.
問:Q9: What is the name of Beast's first full-length album?
答:A9: The name of Beast's first full-length album is "Shock of the New Era."