1. A woman who leaves a bright, happy impression with her beautiful smile.
Red Velvet‘s Irene and Park Bo Gum for KBS Music Bank. / Pann
2. A woman with short hair
3. A kind-hearted, polite woman.
Park Bo Gum’s photoshoot for Edwin Magazine / Pann
4. Someone that is understanding and caring.
Park Bo Gum and actress Shim Eun Kyung on set of drama Tomorrow’s Cantabile. / The Qoo
5. Someone that looks in the same direction or has the same perspectives.
Kim Go Eun and Park Bo Gum for G9‘s homepage. / G9
6. Someone who can cook well.
7. Someone who shares the same values, as well as similar philosophy in life and religion.
Park Bo Gum on his way to the broadcast studios. / Instiz
問:Red Velvet是一支怎樣的團隊?
答:Red Velvet是韓國SM娛樂公司於2014年推出的女子演唱團隊,由Irene、Seulgi、Wendy、Joy和Yeri五位成員組成。
問:Red Velvet的音樂風格是什麼?
答:Red Velvet的音樂風格多樣,包括流行、電子、R&B等,以其獨特的色彩概念和舞台表現力著稱。
問:Red Velvet的成員個人活動有哪些?
答:Red Velvet的成員在個人活動方面也表現活躍,包括演技、主持、音樂劇、廣告代言等。