張賢勝與Stephanie搭檔同台亮相「Hit the Stage」

Beast組合出身的歌手張賢勝和歌手Stephanie將以搭檔的身份現身「Hit the Stage」舞台。 

7月24日,諸多音樂界有關人士透露,Stephanie將作為張賢勝的舞伴兩次出現在「Hit the Stage」的舞台上。 


「Hit the Stage」是一檔歌手和專業舞者組成的隊伍進行表演對決的節目。每集都有一個主題,明星們和體育舞蹈、現代舞蹈等各領域的專業舞者們組隊登台比賽並決定名次。 



問:Q3: What is the original name of the group Beast?
答:A3: The original name of the group Beast is B2ST.

問:Q7: What is the genre of music that Beast is known for?
答:A7: Beast is known for their R&B and hip-hop influenced dance music.

問:Q10: How did Beast change their group name?
答:A10: In 2016, Beast changed their group name to Highlight after their contract with Cube Entertainment expired.