Eric Nam 12日從《ASC》下車

Eric Nam、朴智敏、Kevin

Eric Nam 12日從《After School Club》下車。

從2013年4月開始主持 Arirang TV《After School Club》的 Eric Nam,希望能暫時集中在音樂活動上,因而決定下車。

Eric Nam 12日完成《After School Club》的最後錄製,並透過個人 Instagram 分享與 15& 朴智敏、U-Kiss Kevin 的合照及下車感想:「今天是我最後一天擔任 ASC (After School Club) 主持人。謝謝這三年來努力拚湊起 ASC 的所有工作人員和團隊;感謝對這節目付出與幫助我的共同主持人、朋友和家人;感謝所有的來賓,還有雖然放在最後,但決不是最不重要的 ─ 全球各地參與過節目的觀眾。我度過了一段非常棒的時光,(這段時間內) 也學到、得到了很多,我真心感謝,也會好好珍惜這段經驗的。謝謝大家。請繼續支持這個節目和 Kevin、智敏!Kevin、智敏加油!#這可能是最沮喪的生日照了吧哈哈哈 #臉上並沒有順流而下的眼線」

(原文:Last day as an MC of ASC today. Thank you to all the hardworking staff members and team who help put together 3 years of ASC. Thank you to my co-MCs, friends and family who gave so much to this show and helping me through the show. To all of our guests who have joined us on the show, and last but most definitely not least, to all our ASCers around the world who tune in and show up for #ASC. I’ve had an incredible time, learned and gained so much and have truly appreciated and treasured the experience. Thank you. Please continue to love n support the show and kevin and jimin! Go kemin/jivin ! #thisisprobablythemostdepressing birthdaypictureever hahaha #nonexistenteyelinerrunsdownmyface)

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來源:tenasia / Eric Nam@Instagram
翻譯 & 撰寫:Kpopn 的 Elly




問:After School有哪些代表作品?
答:After School的代表作品有《Ah》、《Bang!》、《Because of You》、《Shampoo》等。