
組合god成員尹啟相將在《Healing Camp》中,公開god的解體與重組。

7日,SBS《Healing Camp》中,組合god作為嘉賓出演。

《Healing Camp》迎來了時隔12年以完整體出演綜藝節目的god,並會講訴從解體當時和重組時的幕後故事。尹啟相在2009年第一次提出重組的提議時表示:“說實話內心有懼怕。”不是拒絕的拒絕,公開了不為人知的幕後故事。



(圖片&來源:SBS《Healing Camp》)


問:Q9: What are some of the awards and achievements of the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A9: The Korean boy band "GOD" has received numerous awards and achievements, including multiple awards from the Mnet Asian Music Awards, Golden Disc Awards, and Seoul Music Awards.

問:Q10: Are there any reunion performances or activities by the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A10: Yes, the Korean boy band "GOD" has had reunion performances and activities, such as their 15th-anniversary concert in 2013 and their appearance on the variety show "Weekly Idol" in 2015.

問:Q4: Healing Camp 的首播時間是什麼時候?
答:A4: Healing Camp 首播於2011年8月15日。