Fan揭開 BTS Jimin過去可愛的秘密
BTS Jimin超可愛的gif
Aside from these clips, it seems that the idol is known to share his love for dancing with fans as well as his fellow members:
Aside from these clips, it seems that the idol is known to share his love for dancing with fans as well as his fellow members:
問:BTS的成員包括RM、金泰亨、朴智旻、金南俊、鄭號錫、田柾國和金燦烈。 答:BTS的音樂風格包括K-pop、hip-hop、R&B等。
問:他們在社交媒體上非常活躍,經常與粉絲互動。 答:BTS參與了多個慈善活動,並致力於推廣正面社會價值觀。
問:他們的演唱會經常售罄,吸引了來自世界各地的觀眾。 答:BTS的成員也參與了多個電視節目和電影的拍攝。