“1. The girl曾出現在Running Man. 她常強行擠她的眼睛展現笑眼微笑”
“2. 她有點'豬'(豬看起來像我)/(或)醜“
“4. 這個女孩的眼睛像做過雙眼皮手術
“5. The girl who sings well”
“6. 其餘的的女孩,沒有天賦“
“Please press thumbs up if you all agree gogo”
[ +181 / -58] “But seriously.. Besides Yuju, how did the rest become idols”
[ +133 / 46] “Why are you doing this to G-Friend, stop it”
[ +114 / -26] “I think this person is more of an anti-fan than a normal person”