Top 5 歌手也有很好演技的IDOL

Top 5 歌手也有很好演技的IDOL

1. Jung Eunji – Sung Siwon

jung eunji

Prior to the drama’s airing, netizens called her out on being ‘too plain’ for the role of Sung Siwon. However, it was this very plainness that allowed her to play her role successfully as a student and woman giving birth.

2. D.O – Han Kangwoo

DO actordol

After being casted comments that SM ruined a perfectly good line up of actors. Later on however, everyone began complimenting him saying that he is the best idol actor within SM.”

3. Im Siwan – Jang Grae

im siwan

“After being casted the fans of the original cartoon stated that he is a good actor but he looks too pretty to play the role perfectly. After the first episode however, he shut them up with his acting skills”

4. IU – Cindy


She was perhaps the most controversial idol for “Producer”. More than half the articles called her unfit for such a crazy lineup of actors. However, she showed amazing acting skills and many began to say that she was the perfect choice for Cindy.”

5. Sungjae

yook sungjae

Sungjae received much hate upon the announcement of his character, but he was later well-loved as Gong Tae Kwang, even more so than Han Yi Ahn.

Others shared their comments on this list:

– I think Lim Siwan played his role better because he was so small and pretty…it made me want to care for him..
– Just curious…are there idols that have been cast for Cheese In The Trap?
– These are all so true ㅠㅠ
– Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


問:Q3: IU 除了唱歌還參與了哪些領域的活動?
答:A3: IU 除了唱歌,還參與演員、主持人等多個領域的活動。

問:Q7: IU 是否參與過慈善活動?
答:A7: 是的,IU 積極參與慈善活動,並且多次捐款給需要幫助的人。

問:Q10: IU 是否有參與過真人秀節目?
答:A10: 是的,IU 曾經參與過真人秀節目《IU TV》,在節目中展現了她真實的一面。