EXO Sehun 涉嫌參與了酒後駕車事故


帖子上傳的圖片和屏幕截圖來自Instagram的帳戶“kelekekek”聲稱,他/她是7月11日,EXO Sehun涉酒後駕車事件的唯一目擊者。


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這與Instagram的帳戶“kelekekeke”原來的海報還上傳了一個視頻短片。在視頻中的女子(據說他的女朋友)的一聲說:  “你打算怎麼辦。”


[+ 385, – 48] (upvote this)

The Instagram anti said Sehun crashed his girlfriend’s car while drunk. In the first video you can see 3 perfectly fine guys and you can’t hear their voice or see their face. She deleted this as soon as some one mentioned court.

The pictures are from a different community and the shoes and clothes are different from the first video. She keeps changing her words too. She comments and than deletes as soon as people mention court again.

The video currently uploaded is the video where the girl says Sehun. All the boys seem sober and there’s no evidence that they are drunk. Also she doesn’t say ‘what are you going to do’ but ‘what are you guys going to do’

This isn’t evidence.

Sehun’s voice nor his face is in the video. The first video she uploaded and the photo she uploaded are of him in different clothes. There is no real evidence.

[+ 266, – 23] The statement that she made about her being a fan and that’s why she uploaded only parts is bullshit. The only thing we see in the video is a man that looks like Sehun and we can’t confirm that it’s Sehun because it’s so dark. The only thing you see is a stopped taxi and even if it is true that it’s Sehun and his girlfriend there is no evidence that he drove his girlfriend’s car. There is also no evidence that he was drunk. All in all it’s all just words and she doesn’t even release the full scenario. What is this new attention seeking bs.

[+ 272, – 19] I don’t know but some people are saying that Sehun is involved with this article. “Idol A caught red handed speeding. A huge scandal’. But the Instgram person says it happened July 11th but the article was uploaded June 4th. So A isn’t Sehun.



