網友稱讚對Red Velvet Seulgi沒有雙眼皮的樣子很美麗

網友稱讚對Red Velvet Seulgi沒有雙眼皮的樣子很美麗

“No Double Eyelid Appeal Seulgi”

“No double eyelid beauty Seulgi has finally come home~ >.<“


“Did her baby fat not go away yet?? haha Her cute cheek fat~ like a hamster”


“I thought she was Irene for a second.. I guess she is starting to become like her since she is always with her”


“So innocent looking… so pretty :( I didn’t know she was this innocent looking”


“It is especially game over when she laughs….. <3 “


7 8

 “She seems like an innocent college student ~~

Due to her no double eyelid, she has a similar image like Sohee”

9 10 11

“She is such a pure woman. At first I thought she wasn’t going to be popular

but never! She is the prettiest in my eyes.. Her no double eyelid appeal hehe..” 


“hehe~ She laughs like a baby that makes me feel comfortable inside”

13 14

“Seulgi, this unnie really adores you~

So never get double eyelid surgery even if your life depends on it~~~~”

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[ +81 / -2] Her face has such a unique appeal… She is pretty enough and doesn’t need double eye-lid surgery…

[ +74 / 0] I really like Seulgi’s look. She is skinny, long, good bye and has a unique and innocent face without double eye-lid. If I could get rid of my double eye-lid to look like her, I would get rid of it.

[ +73 / -2] What are all those haters saying? She looks pretty enough without double eye-lid. Please look in the mirror before you speak.


問:Red Velvet的音樂風格是什麼?
答:Red Velvet的音樂風格多樣,包括流行、電子、R&B等,以其獨特的色彩概念和舞台表現力著稱。

問:Red Velvet的代表作品有哪些?
答:Red Velvet的代表作品包括《Happiness》、《Ice Cream Cake》、《Dumb Dumb》、《Russian Roulette》、《Rookie》等。

問:Red Velvet的成員Wendy在團隊中扮演什麼角色?
答:Wendy是Red Velvet的主唱,以其卓越的唱功和音樂才華受到認可。