《一起吃飯吧2》明(2日)播出大結局 尹斗俊、徐賢真情歸何處?

tvN《一起吃飯吧2》剩兩集,今(1日)曝光一組劇照 ,劇照中BEAST成員尹斗俊在美食麵前露出傻瓜微笑,徐賢真把頭靠在他的肩上,表現得極為親密,令人心動。




照片來源:tvN《一起吃飯吧 2》


問:Q2: When did Beast make their debut?
答:A2: Beast made their debut in 2009 with the digital single "Bad Girl."

問:Q3: What is the original name of the group Beast?
答:A3: The original name of the group Beast is B2ST.

問:Q4: How many members are there in Beast?
答:A4: There are six members in Beast.