據悉,人氣男團Beast在日本發行的首個單曲《Can Not Wait To Love You》榮登日本公信榜冠軍。
今日(30日),據日本最大的唱片統計網站公信榜的數據顯示,昨日(29日)發售的Beast首個單曲《Can Not Wait To Love You》在發售第一天就創造了2萬1931張的銷售量,榮登單曲日排行榜冠軍。
目前,Beast已經在日本4個城市舉行了粉絲見面會,並為粉絲們獻唱了新曲《Can Not Wait To Love You》,受到了粉絲們的喜愛。
問:Q1: What is Beast known for in the K-pop industry?
答:A1: Beast is known for their powerful vocals and energetic performances in the K-pop industry.
問:Q7: What is the genre of music that Beast is known for?
答:A7: Beast is known for their R&B and hip-hop influenced dance music.
問:Q9: What is the name of Beast's first full-length album?
答:A9: The name of Beast's first full-length album is "Shock of the New Era."