告訴你這7位曾瀕死亡體驗的KPOP IDOL死亡事件經過

告訴你這7位曾瀕死亡體驗的KPOP IDOL死亡事件經過

1. Yunho (TVXQ)
Yunho was once handed a drink (filled with superglue) by an anti-fan disguised as a fan. He realized something was wrong with the drink halfway and was immediately rushed to the hospital. He doesn’t remember much because he fainted soon after he drank the contaminated orange juice but according to members he coughed up blood on his way to the hospital. He was able to recover completely from the incident. However, he said he couldn’t drink orange juice for a long time because he was traumatized after the incident.
Below is an actual picture of the orange juice and if you look carefully you can see the hardened glue near the top of the bottle.yunho 2

2. Noh Hongchul
Noh Hongchul was randomly assaulted in front of his house in 2008. The culprit was suffering from a mental disorder and claimed that he felt as if Noh Hongchul was trying to harm his father whenever he saw him on TV. Noh Hongchul did not retaliate and took the beating to not provoke the culprit further. Several bones were broken including his ribs, and the assailant had a knife concealed in his pocket. Luckily the police took the man into custody and Noh Hongchul was saved.
no hongchul
Despite the brutal attack, Noh did not wish to press charges, but rather help the man get over his mental condition.

3. Onew (SHINee)
In 2009, during “Music Bank” the stage lighting apparatus and frame collapsed, hurtling towards Onew. Startled and shocked, Onew fainted on the spot and could have been crushed below it if Kyuhyun and other staff didn’t grab the supports and prevent it from falling on him.
music bank

4. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
In 2007, Super Junior’s van was involved in a severe traffic accident that resulted in a few of their members getting injured. Of all the members however, Kyuhyun was most severely injured.
suju 3
Kyu Hyun was shot out of the car when the accident happened and the force dragged him on the road for approximately 4~5m. Much of the flesh on his legs were torn off and all his ribs and his hipbones were shattered. 
When he was rushed to the hospital, the doctors told his parents, “Your son may die. Even if we perform surgery which involves opening a hole in his throat he only has 20% chance to live.” At the doctor’s words, his father (who had previously been dead set against his singing career) begged the doctor to find an alternate way so his son could sing when he recovered. The doctor found an alternative method and Kyuhyun fully recovered.
Against all odds Kyuhyun pulled through!

5. Son Hoyoung (god)
In 2013, Son Hoyoung’s girlfriend was found dead in Son’s car. She had committed suicide through gas poisoning by lighting up a coal briquettte while inside the vehicle. 
son 2
Soon after, Son Hoyoung attempted to commit suicide in exactly the same manner. However, the car caught on fire and Son in his groggy state had a change of heart and escaped the vehicle before he fainted.
He was rushed to the hospital and spent more than a week recovering and later in an interview he stated that he had suffered from depression and felt alone. He felt as if he had no one to count on and his girlfriend’s death pushed him over the edge. Since than, he has recovered and is now active as a part of the re-unified god.

6. Seungri (Big Bang)
Big Bang’s Seungri was close to getting severely injured on multiple occasions. Once in the early stages of Big Bang’s career a firework exploded into Seungri’s face while he was performing. Seungri barely jumped out of the way but still received burned and was rushed to the hospital. He says that ever since he is scared of fireworks.
More recently he was involved in an accident during which his car crashed into a guard rail and was flipped over. 
Thankfully he made a full recovery after spending time in the hospital.

7. Subin (Dalshabet)
Dalshabet of Subin had an extremely close call when during a performance, the stage collapsed under her feet. While she was falling her face smashed into one of the outlets for fireworks. As a result she had to get a total of 16 stitches inside her lips from the damage. If she had been even an inch closer to the outlet she could have suffered irreversible injury or worse…



問:Q10: Are there any reunion performances or activities by the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A10: Yes, the Korean boy band "GOD" has had reunion performances and activities, such as their 15th-anniversary concert in 2013 and their appearance on the variety show "Weekly Idol" in 2015.

答:SHINee有很多著名的歌曲,如《Replay》、《Ring Ding Dong》、《Lucifer》、《Sherlock》、《View》等。

問:Super Junior有沒有進行過世界巡演?
答:是的,Super Junior進行過多次世界巡演,吸引了全球粉絲。