

Danny安所屬經紀公司Box Media方面表示:“Danny安確定出演由韓國有線電視台CMB與香港TVB合拍的電視劇《七天的浪漫》,在劇中將飾演男主人公安俊瑞一角,攜手香港女藝人黃翠如譜寫一段浪漫的愛情故事。”



問:Q2: When was the Korean boy band "GOD" formed?
答:A2: The Korean boy band "GOD" was formed in 1998 and quickly gained popularity in South Korea.

問:Q6: Did the members of the Korean boy band "GOD" pursue solo careers?
答:A6: Yes, the members of the Korean boy band "GOD" pursued solo careers in acting, singing, and hosting, showcasing their individual talents.

問:Q10: Are there any reunion performances or activities by the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A10: Yes, the Korean boy band "GOD" has had reunion performances and activities, such as their 15th-anniversary concert in 2013 and their appearance on the variety show "Weekly Idol" in 2015.