Hyoyeon is not slapping Seohyun

Kai is not pulling Sehun by his hair

Minho doesn't actually have an afro

Goo Hara isn't actually smoking a cigarette

Baekhyun is actually picking D.O's nose

Max doesn't actually have 20ft arms

Baekhyun isn't really giving D.O. a kiss

Suzy doesn't have a monster hiding in her skirt

Taeyeon isn't being attacked by a giant Sooyoung

Junsu doesn't have two bodies and one head

Lee Minjung isn't actually naked

Kang Minkyung isn't spouting fire from her hand

Hyuna isn't actually doing the splits

Hyoyeon didn't actually eat the gumgum fruit

He didn't actually sever Kang Hodong's head

CL's arms aren't actually freakishly small