Secret發片前自動塑身 畫煙熏妝誘惑粉絲


Secret昨(11日)出席在首爾驛三洞樂天影城,舉行的第5張迷你專輯《SECRET SUMMER》記者會,烋星、枝恩、HaNa、善伙穿貼身打歌服亮相,好身材曲線畢露,善伙自信地說:"成員們每次發片都會不知不覺地雕塑身形,大家都很漂亮。"烋星說:"我們這次藉化妝扮性感,嘗試了先前沒試過的煙熏妝,像貓咪般的眼線,眼尾上揚。"

Secret隔8個月發片,第5張迷你專輯《SECRET SUMMER》收錄《I’m In Love》、《Feel The Secret》、《Look At Me》、《U R Fired》 和《做得好》(暫譯)5首歌。

Secret發片前自動塑身 畫煙熏妝誘惑粉絲


問:3. Q: Who are the current members of Secret?
答: A: The current members of Secret are Sunhwa, Hyosung, Zinger, and Soo-jung.

問:6. Q: What is Secret's most popular song?
答: A: Secret's most popular song is "Poison," which was released in 2014 and became a huge hit in South Korea.

問:9. Q: What is the reason behind Song Ji-eun's departure from Secret?
答: A: Song Ji-eun left Secret in 2014 to focus on her solo career and acting.