BEAST成員尹斗俊去年在tvN《一起吃飯吧》飾演美食部落客具大英,1個人吃飯也能吃得香,讓觀眾在大半夜口水直流。現實生活中,他也是不折不扣的吃貨,在昨(15日)播出的實境節目《Show Time – Burning the Beast》大啖烤肉。
照片來源:MBC every1
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問:Q1: What is Beast known for in the K-pop industry?
答:A1: Beast is known for their powerful vocals and energetic performances in the K-pop industry.
問:Q4: How many members are there in Beast?
答:A4: There are six members in Beast.
問:Q9: What is the name of Beast's first full-length album?
答:A9: The name of Beast's first full-length album is "Shock of the New Era."