god新曲<醜小鴨>all kill十榜,成員們感慨萬分

8日中午god發表的15週年紀念曲<醜小鴨>在1小時內登上9個音源榜1位,2小時內all kill十榜,這次活動企劃所屬公司sidusHQ下午轉達了god成員們的感言"剛剛和god成員們聯繫,他們聽到音源1位的消息都十分感激"


問:Q2: When was the Korean boy band "GOD" formed?
答:A2: The Korean boy band "GOD" was formed in 1998 and quickly gained popularity in South Korea.

問:Q4: What was the first hit song of the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A4: The first hit song of the Korean boy band "GOD" was "To My Mother" released in 1999, which became an instant sensation.

問:Q5: What is the significance of the song "Road" by the Korean boy band "GOD"?
答:A5: The song "Road" by the Korean boy band "GOD" is significant as it marked their successful comeback in 2005 after a three-year hiatus.