A pink確定31日回歸,加入女團大戰
13日A Pink所屬公司消息,A Pink將於本月31日攜新專輯正式回歸.這是A Pink繼去年7月迷你3輯"secret garden"後暌違9個月comeback,此前一直以清純形象受到大眾喜愛的A Pink此次會以怎麼樣的概念回歸還在保密階段.女團大戰越加炙熱.
問:2. Q: How many members are there in Secret? 答: A: Secret originally had five members, but now consists of only four members after Song Ji-eun's departure.
問:9. Q: What is the reason behind Song Ji-eun's departure from Secret? 答: A: Song Ji-eun left Secret in 2014 to focus on her solo career and acting.
問:A Pink有哪些代表作品? 答:A Pink的代表作品包括《Seven Springs of Apink》、《Pink Revolution》、《Pink Memory》等。